Update 2020/03/28
Build up OI society: half-way, yet received an outstanding team with me. Go SMS AlgorithmS!!!
Now finished 2 Wechat mini-apps (Image sorting & Road waterlog warning). Became a fully-developed full-stack developer with 10+ languages in arm! Next aim is to dig deep into the amazing Tensorflow 2.0 framework.
Participating in SMS’s Representative Committee of Students. Personally I hope it will become the next SMS Council — yet time is of essence, and my years at SMS are becoming shorter. Fight.
Even if the world forsaked you, a contribution won’t be forgotten by all.
——Dedicatus545, 2017
Hope I can keep this on.
Original 2019/07/13
The name is Orion545, a current high school student in Shenzhen, China.
Used to be a competitor in Olympics of Information (OIer), former ID Dedicatus545. Still taking part in OI, but I no longer take it as my major job. My next mission in OI is to build up the OI society in our school(Shenzhen Middle School).
Major in C++ && Python, as well as basic techniques for Tensorflow && CSS.
Currently learning to writing an application on Android, Java as well. Next target is to build a light-weight Wechat mini-application on rubbish sorting.