TOFEL Training 7/13

TPO 52 Reading

Score: 28/30 with correction rate 39/42

For the vocabulary part, sometimes I still meet words that I am not familiar with. If this happens, it is of the most importance to examine the word in the original text.

When reading history topic passages, never let go of any sentence, since some questions might be asking for them.

TPO 51 Reading

Score: 29/30 with correction rate 40/42

Why, most my mistakes are on vocabulary tasks……

Seems that most of other types are not a problem for me anymore, except the last ques in every passage. Sometimes I need to double check if a choice is A MINOR ONE or A MAJOR ONE.

Vocabulary mistakes are still making me frustrated. How on earth am I able to distinguish ‘permanently’ and ‘extensively’ when both are to replace ‘drastically’? Why, the answer told me it is extensively! The only thing I can do is try to put them back into the text and try reading them again and again. Hope this works.

TPO 40 Reading

Score: 30/30 with correction rate 42/42

Nothing to say, too easy.
